Nike MercurialX
I made the Scan of the Nike Sneaker for this Spot. The Scan was quite challenging as the shoe material was very reflective which is a no go for Photogrammetry. But it worked out very well in the end. I used Polarization filters to get rid of most reflections which helped a lot.
I used Agisoft Pscan, C4D, Zbrush and 3D Coat for the Model.
Art Director @ Nike Brand Design: David Chen
Creative Direction: Village Green
CGI Animation: Simon Fiedler, Bastian J. Schiffer, Martin Pajak
Additional CGI Modelling: Richard Jones, Barney Morgan, Ben Koppel
Sound Design: Resonate
3D Scan: Holger Biebrach
The Texture was edited in 16k resolution. There was quite a bit of cleanup to do. Because of the Crosspol technique I used when I took the Fotos I had to remove a lot of fluff noise which is very notable.
I modeled the Sole in C4D because the cleanup of the Scan would have been more work. the details of the Sole where added by displacement maps.
The main problem with scanning shoes is the laces. But closeup renderings proved the captured Detail is good enough. So we where able to take the laces as they come from the Scan. Normally Scan shoes without laces and model them by hand.